Welcome to the home of the Atomic Wieners. On October 2nd, Matt and I got the keys to our 1954 rambler. We'd been house-hunting for ten days, but in that time frame we'd seen over fifty houses...maybe one-third of those we'd actually toured either with our realtor or at open houses. In the end we narrowed our search down to our top ten, then I made a spread-sheet and assigned numerical values to our criteria: from quiet neighborhood, number of beds and baths, updated kitchens, formal dining area, to a dachshund-friendly yard. And to our delight, the house that we were both the most emotionally drawn to was also the house that scored the highest on our scale: the Atomic Ranch. Matt was drawn to it because it was similar to the house he'd grown up in, where his parents still live. And because it was in a neighborhood he loved and had always coveted. I fell for the house because of the quiet, "Pleasantville" neighborhood and cul-de-sac it was on, the greenbelt and towering trees it backed on to, and the comfortable and practical floor plan. Then the more reading and research I did into the mid-century modern design themes and architecture, the more excited I got about the possibilities for design and decorating that could go into it. Matt and I both love mid-century modern design elements: clean, simple lines, bold but earthy tones, and the retro nostalgia for times when men kept bottles of whisky in their desks at work. Of course Mad Men helped inspire this too. But I must point out that we bought this
Corona sofa before the Mad Men pilot was even pitched. Trendy, schmendy.
Anyway, that's the back story. So here we are, keys and paint brushes in hand, ready to turn this little house into our forever-home, full of atomic dreams and wieners (dogs, of course). I created this blog mostly to keep track of my wishlists and ideas and inspirations, my links and photos. But along the way I'll document the process and the befores and afters, probably some follies and hopefully some successes.
Oh, one more thing. We haven't actually moved in yet, because our home-buying adventure was not as ideally timed as we'd have liked (special thanks to you, Henry, and your well-timed Notice to Evacuate, we never liked that rental anyway...) and we've had another adventure, to Iceland and France, planned for many months. So, while the refinished floors cure and the paint dries, we'll be taking a dip in the waters of the
Blue Lagoon then whiling away afternoons sipping
vin rouge at sidewalk cafes. I'm hoping to have time to update
over here while we're away.